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Editorial Policy

Peer Review Policy

  • Manuscripts to be reviewed: all submitted manuscripts are peer reviewed.
  • Who conducts peer review: Peer review is conducted by at least two external experts. The Editorial Board selects and recruit reviewers based on expertise, publication history, and past reviews.
  • Type of peer review: a double-blind peer review. The author and reviewer cannot identify each other. The names of reviewers are not posted in the published article. Reviewers are anonymous.
  • Screening before peer review: If the manuscript does not align with the aims and scope or the style and format of the journal, it is returned immediately to the authors by the editorial office. The manuscript without an appropriate ethics statement in the case of human population study is also returned to the authors without peer review.
  • Plagiarism check: All submitted or invited articles are screened by the plagiarism check program, such as Similarity Check (Crosscheck). If a certain amount of the duplicate part is detected, it is returned to the authors.
  • Review of research data or supplementary material: Those materials are subjected to peer review.
  • Duration for the first decision: The result of the first peer review is usually finished within four weeks. If there is no correspondence from the editorial office on the fate of the submitted manuscript two months after the submission, please get in touch with the editorial office at https://www.jchestsurg.org/content/about/contact_us.html.
  • Revision process: The Editorial Board may ask authors to revise their manuscripts according to the reviewers' opinions. Authors should upload revised manuscripts with replies to each reviewer's comments. Revisions should be completed within 4 weeks after they are requested. If a revised manuscript is not received by the due date, the Editorial Board will not consider it for publication. Depending on the circumstances, authors may request an extension of the revision period to the Editorial Board. The manuscript review process should be finished with the second review. The Editorial Board may consider further review upon request from the authors.
  • Review by statistician: It can be implemented when data needs professional statistical review by a statistician.
  • Final decision maker: An editorial board finally decides the manuscript's fate, such as accept, reject, and re-submission, after hearing from peer reviewers.
  • Review by the editorial board: Some publication types, including editorial, errata, corrigenda, retraction, withdrawal, and letter to the editor, are reviewed by the editorial board without external peer review.
  • The journal does not guarantee acceptance of initial manuscript submissions except for the invited articles.
  • The date of publication is published with all published research, including dates of submission, revision, and acceptance.
  • Review of in-house manuscripts: All manuscripts from editors, staffs, or editorial board members are subject to the same review process as other submissions. During the review process, they will not be involved in the selection of reviewers nor the decision-making process. Editors will not handle their own manuscripts even if they have been commissioned.
Journal of Chest Surgery

Current Issue

January, 2025
Vol.58 No.1

pISSN 2765-1606
eISSN 2765-1614

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