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Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1993; 26(2): 75-79
Published online February 5, 1993
Copyright © Journal of Chest Surgery.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Myocardial protection against ischemic and reperfusion injuries is still in troublesome eventhough couples of the way of myocardial protection have been applied since 1970`s. One of the possibility in myocardial protection is adding Fructose-1,6 diphosphate [FDP] in cardioplegic solution. It is assumed that FDP can promote ATP production under anaerobic condition as well as inhibiting the supressing effect of lactate on phosphofructokinase. We compared the myocardial protecting effects of FDP in crystalloid cardioplegic solution [St. Thomas formula, 10°C, pH=7.4] and reperfusate using isolated rat hearts in modified Langendorf apparatus by the parameters of preischemic and post reperfusing heart rate, time to first beat, occurance of arrhythmia, time to stabilization, and the rate of left ventricular pressure developing. Group A [n=10],containing no FDP in cardioplegic and reperfusing solutions was control. Group B [n=5], containing FDP in cardioplegic solution, showed stastically significant superiority of postischemic left ventricular pressure development than the control group. Group C [n=5], containing FDP in reperfusate, showed stastically significant myocardial depressing effect than the controls. Other parameters were unremarkable. The cause is uncertain, but it is assumed that the negative feedback inhibition of FDP in energy metabolism or unknown blocking effect of FDP on certain transmembrane ionic currents is present. In conclusion, 1] FDP in cardioplegic solution has beneficial effect on postischemic left ventricular preservation. 2] FDP is strong acid when is hydrolyzed, so precise acid titration is neccessary. 3] FDP in reperfusate has negative left ventricular preservation, otherwise the mechanism is still uncertain.
Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1993; 26(2): 75-79
Published online February 5, 1993
Copyright © Journal of Chest Surgery.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Myocardial protection against ischemic and reperfusion injuries is still in troublesome eventhough couples of the way of myocardial protection have been applied since 1970`s. One of the possibility in myocardial protection is adding Fructose-1,6 diphosphate [FDP] in cardioplegic solution. It is assumed that FDP can promote ATP production under anaerobic condition as well as inhibiting the supressing effect of lactate on phosphofructokinase. We compared the myocardial protecting effects of FDP in crystalloid cardioplegic solution [St. Thomas formula, 10°C, pH=7.4] and reperfusate using isolated rat hearts in modified Langendorf apparatus by the parameters of preischemic and post reperfusing heart rate, time to first beat, occurance of arrhythmia, time to stabilization, and the rate of left ventricular pressure developing. Group A [n=10],containing no FDP in cardioplegic and reperfusing solutions was control. Group B [n=5], containing FDP in cardioplegic solution, showed stastically significant superiority of postischemic left ventricular pressure development than the control group. Group C [n=5], containing FDP in reperfusate, showed stastically significant myocardial depressing effect than the controls. Other parameters were unremarkable. The cause is uncertain, but it is assumed that the negative feedback inhibition of FDP in energy metabolism or unknown blocking effect of FDP on certain transmembrane ionic currents is present. In conclusion, 1] FDP in cardioplegic solution has beneficial effect on postischemic left ventricular preservation. 2] FDP is strong acid when is hydrolyzed, so precise acid titration is neccessary. 3] FDP in reperfusate has negative left ventricular preservation, otherwise the mechanism is still uncertain.