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Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1979; 12(4): 312-317

Published online December 1, 1979

Copyright © Journal of Chest Surgery.

Surgical treatment of paragonimiasis


This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


1] During the period of Jan. 1959, to Aug. 1979, 47 patients of paragonimiasis have been treated in the department of Chest Surgery. 2] The total number of patients who has been admitted and treated in the department of Chest Medicine are 262 and annual distribution of number of patients has been decreased. However, since 1964, the number of patients has been stationary. On the other hand, the total number of patients who has been admitted and treated surgically in the department of Chest Surgery are 47 and the annual distribution of number of patients has not been decreased. 3] The peak age incidence lies in fourth decade [34%], and over halves of patients is in third to fifth decade. Male to female is 8.4 to 1. 4] The symptoms, which are mainly cough, chest pain, dyspnea and blood tinged sputum, developed mostly in two to five years after infestation by Paragonmius westermani. 5] Sputum tests for eggs of Paragonimus westermani were positive in 16 out of 43 patients [37%]. The 93% of patients were positive in skin test for Paragonimus westermani. The patients with negative skin test were 7%, but sputum or stool examination for Paragonimus westermani`s eggs were positive in these negative group of skin test. 6] Chest roentgenogram revealed pleural effusion [41 cases], hydropneumothorax [1 case], atelectasis [1 case] and mediastinal mass [1 case]. 7] All patients were preoperatively treated with Bithionol. The mode of surgery were decortication only [31 cases], pleuropneumonectomy [3 cases], decortication & lobectomy [2 cases], decortication & closure of bronchial fistula [1 case], thoracentesis [1 case] and postural drainage [1 case]. 8] Paragonimiasis is primarily medical disease and well treated by the administration of Bithionol. But the delayed diagnosis and missed diagnosis, especially as pulmonary tuberculosis, make the disease aggravated and chronic. Subsequently, surgical treatment is infrequently required. Chronic empyema due to Paragonimus westermani is much benign than tuberculous empyema thoracis.[KTCS 1979;4:312-317]


Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1979; 12(4): 312-317

Published online December 1, 1979

Copyright © Journal of Chest Surgery.

Surgical treatment of paragonimiasis


This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


1] During the period of Jan. 1959, to Aug. 1979, 47 patients of paragonimiasis have been treated in the department of Chest Surgery. 2] The total number of patients who has been admitted and treated in the department of Chest Medicine are 262 and annual distribution of number of patients has been decreased. However, since 1964, the number of patients has been stationary. On the other hand, the total number of patients who has been admitted and treated surgically in the department of Chest Surgery are 47 and the annual distribution of number of patients has not been decreased. 3] The peak age incidence lies in fourth decade [34%], and over halves of patients is in third to fifth decade. Male to female is 8.4 to 1. 4] The symptoms, which are mainly cough, chest pain, dyspnea and blood tinged sputum, developed mostly in two to five years after infestation by Paragonmius westermani. 5] Sputum tests for eggs of Paragonimus westermani were positive in 16 out of 43 patients [37%]. The 93% of patients were positive in skin test for Paragonimus westermani. The patients with negative skin test were 7%, but sputum or stool examination for Paragonimus westermani`s eggs were positive in these negative group of skin test. 6] Chest roentgenogram revealed pleural effusion [41 cases], hydropneumothorax [1 case], atelectasis [1 case] and mediastinal mass [1 case]. 7] All patients were preoperatively treated with Bithionol. The mode of surgery were decortication only [31 cases], pleuropneumonectomy [3 cases], decortication & lobectomy [2 cases], decortication & closure of bronchial fistula [1 case], thoracentesis [1 case] and postural drainage [1 case]. 8] Paragonimiasis is primarily medical disease and well treated by the administration of Bithionol. But the delayed diagnosis and missed diagnosis, especially as pulmonary tuberculosis, make the disease aggravated and chronic. Subsequently, surgical treatment is infrequently required. Chronic empyema due to Paragonimus westermani is much benign than tuberculous empyema thoracis.[KTCS 1979;4:312-317]

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